domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

Movie Disappointment #2

It's not from yesterday that I'm attracted to horror movies based on Stephen King's novels. I always find the synopsis very interesting and manage to watch the movies. However, I must admit (I don't know why) I never watch the movies until the end. Every time something happens and stops me from going on.

Even watching part of them, I always get disappointed. I've never read any of his books, so my opinions are based upon all the 2/3 of the movies I watched, except from "It", that is the first movie based on a Stephen book I was able to watch in its entirety.

Apart from being based on a so-called "master of Suspense" novel, I've been wanting to check this one for years, 'cause I have a certain phobia of clowns and their "dark sides" and for many times I heard about the clown in this movie, Pennywise. So last week I finally downloaded it and watched in three parts, which was perfect to allow me to notice something and relate to his other works. 

Basically, all King's stories follow three development steps: 

1) the beginning: it is always awesome, thrilling; it shows the macabre and presents the plot and main characters. Enjoy it because it's the best part of the movie.

2) the transition: here is when things start to get interesting, most of the times in a bad way. The story that was so good and mysterious loses the enigmatic tone and then goes to a totally new direction. You can't help but feel a little bit lost.

3) the non-sense (also known as "end"): the last part in every movie is supposed to be the best, the most awaited moment, the revelation point. In a "Stephen King" movie it often, somehow, explains the facts by inserting aliens or "things from outer space" in the middle of it. This or something else even more non-sense.

That is, analyzing the elapse of the story, we start with a movie and end up with a totally different one. Frus-trat-ing. "It" comes down to all of this and it wouldn't be necessary to tell something about the movie because, like I explained, I would just be talking about the beginning of it, which seems to have no importance at all. In this movie, the only thing that keeps you going is the relationship of the group of friends, that's very cool to see. How they help and protect each other in different situations and how they still love each one after so much time.

But in the end, it was just another movie disappointment.

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